tezomeya Blog

tezomeya 15th Anniversary

tezomeya 15th Anniversary

● tezomeya 15th anniversary date

date and time

August 11 (Fri) – 13 th (Sunday), 2017, 11 o’clock – 19 o’clock


Kyoto’s natural color studio tezomeya shop

special feature

In-store products 15% OFF!
※ Other writer’s items, order dyed orders are out of scope

In addition
Extraordinary </ th>Those who bring “t ezomeya original T-shirt” </ strong>
Further 15% OFF ⇒ together All items 30% OFF </ span> </ strong> </ td>
</ tr>
Event </ th>

Easy shellfish purple workshop held at any time! For details here </ strong> </ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
</ table>
* We are sorry, but this event will be limited to visitors.We appreciate your regular patronage of this annual OFF day, this year as well.

This year it is always held on Sundays of regular holiday!
It is a three-day long event from the 11th (Fri) to the 13th (Sunday), which is the mountain’s day.

As always, all items 15% OFF! I would be happy if you would try this item by all means tezomeya.

And this year it is 15th anniversary of good nursing with more benefits.
If you have “tezomeya original T-shirt” </ strong> at hand you brought in tezomeya only from 2002 – 2003 when it opened, let me bring you to the shop Please give me.
We will further 15% OFF </ strong> as soon as we can confirm that it is the first T-shirt of the real monsters.

Whether it is the first generation or not, I understand by brand name. This is my name.

The enlarged image is here.

It is a name that is far from fashionable even for flattery, but I am remembering very nostalgic when I see it now, high.

And the T – shirt of this era is neither organic cotton nor knitted hanger knitting machine.
Design is original from the beginning, but other than that it is an ordinary T-shirt to be honest.

Of course, even in this era, the shopkeeper dyed it very seriously accordingly. However, looking back from now after 15 years passed, the absence of knowledge and experience at that time, and the technology which is more childish than the one coming from there is full of embarrassment.

Suddenly I tried to see the dyed note 14 years ago after a long absence.
After all, at the time, I can understand what I have not noticed yet about various things by looking at the dye note.

Can you see it? It is a note of April 2003.

It is a dyed note for a person and a certain day in July of this year.

While keeping track of the amount of information, it is becoming a note with a sense of stability in the method.
As you can see in 2003, you are still daring and making things in the hands.

… I will return the story but having a first T-shirt with this name that I made in such a period means that it is a customer of tezomeya for at least 13 years ago.
Even now, there are many things I do not know yet, but since I was staining dyed without knowing any further translation I’m patronizing tezomeya and I am full of gratitude.

I think that I think that it became a little better brand compared to that time, so if you like, I think that you can enjoy the present tezomeya item by all means if you like.

& nbsp;

Of course, thank you very much all the customers who are not from the era of the original T-shirt. On this occasion of all items 15% OFF, I think that you can also try the washi mixed item of men’s debut this summer and men’s short knit pants!

& nbsp;

Dyeing work is not done during the sale period.
In other words, we are waiting for you at the cool (normal) tezomeya shop!

And although it is undecided, perhaps a little easy workshop could be held during this event! This is your expectation.

We are waiting for your visit from the bottom of my heart.


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